Azure Stack TP 1.1 Multi-Compartment Network Proxy Service

Since Azure Stack TP 1.1 i have an issue deploying Azure Stack. After a while it fails with the error below:
Service 'Multi-Compartment Network Proxy Service (MultiCompartmentNetworkProxyS
ervice)' cannot be stopped due to the following error: Cannot stop MultiCompart
mentNetworkProxyService service on computer '.'.
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceContro 
   ller:ServiceController) [Restart-Service], ServiceCommandException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotStopService,Microsoft.PowerShell.Command 
    + PSComputerName        : xRPVM.AzureStack.local

I want to point out that i am not running all official requirement for the Azure Stack Deployment, since i am not booting from the included .vhdx file because i am a bit short on disk space. So this issue might not occur if you follow all the rules… 🙄

But since this issue took me a while to overcome and it’s the second time this happens I though I write a quick blog about it.

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Remove Azure Stack TP1 to install TP1.1

If you tried out Azure Stack Preview 1 and want to play arround with TP 1.1 release you have to remove the current Azure Stack deployment. I was unable to find a documented uninstall (if somebody does please leave a comment 🙂 ) so i just deleted everything.

I have a one node setup so here is what I did:

  • Turn of all VM’s
  • Deleted all cluster roles;
  • Removed the VM’s;
  • Destroyed the cluster;
  • Removed the storage pool and its volumes;
  • Removed my node from the azurestack.local domain and rebooted;
  • Removed the virtual switch;
  • Uninstalled the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric from my host.

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Hyper-V Virtual Switch Internal with NAT

—- UPDATE—- Be sure to check the updated blog for the powershell commands since it has changed in the newer Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 builds

A will a go Microsoft released Windows Server 2016 TP4 and Windows 10 Build 10586. For Windows 10 it was all about nested virtualization that is a great feature which i use a lot with nano server and containers now days.

But another great feature came with that release that completely  slipped my attention and I stumbled on it exploring the New-VMSwitch powershell Cmdlets. Since that release you have the ability to set you Virtual Switch (VSwitch) not only to External, Internal and Private but also to a fourth option, which is NAT mode.

Let me explain, when you run some VM’s on your local laptop, tablet or test/dev server you probably created a Vswitch which is connected to your LAN or WIFI adapter for outside network acces or internet access. Or when you want them to talk to each other in there own subnet and you requier no internet access you have a VSwitch with a Internal Network connection type. But if you require the VM’s to have internet connection and want multiple subnets you need vlan’s.

Since not everybody has VLAN’s on a home network or you are located in a company network were you do not have controle over the network you cannot use the External Network type VSwitch to get al the VM’s on the internet or the rest of the network. Or when you are like me and are located in several different customer networks, IP’s change all the time when on DHCP or my VM’s need to change IP addresses all the time if i want to test somethings in VM’s.

All that is behind us now because we can create VSwitches for Internal Network and enable NAT on the VSwitch.

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