Azure Stack TP2 November refresh

Last week Microsoft published a new release of Microsoft Azure Stack TP2. This release included support for features like SQL RP, MySQL and Azure App Services so a bunch of PaaS services.

First it though yeah.. new features 🙂 !! But then I looked back and though.. o man this is gonna cost me a lot of deployment time again. Considering the previous issue’s I had before which you can read on this blog.

After downloading, extracting, copying and processing (which you can read all about here) i executed my deployment last night (my hosts are in a different time zone, so my last night was not yet server night 🙂 ).


This morning I checked my server to see what the deployment did and I was pleasantly surprised

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Azure Stack TP2 Deployment Issue step 0.20

Last week i finally got my first Azure Stack TP2 deployment completed after weeks of error’s as a blogged before.  After that i needed to redeploy several times and ran into different issue’s every time.

This time it stopped at step 0.20. After retrying the deployment with:

Invoke-EceAction -RolePath Cloud -ActionType Deployment -Start 0.20 -Verbose

It stopped at the same error. See below for te error message.

2016-11-08 20:45:06 Verbose  VMs to create: MAS-BGPNAT01
2016-11-08 20:45:06 Verbose  Updating management nodes for HyperConverged deployment.
2016-11-08 20:45:12 Verbose  Skipping deployment of the VM named 'MAS-BGPNAT01'. It is accessible via remote Powershell.
2016-11-08 20:45:12 Verbose  Waiting for the following VMs to be remotely accessible: MAS-BGPNAT01.
2016-11-08 20:45:13 Verbose  The VM 'MAS-BGPNAT01' has successfully started.
2016-11-08 20:45:15 Error    Task: Invocation of interface 'Deployment' of role 'Cloud\Fabric\VirtualMachines' failed:
Function 'Add-GuestVMs' in module 'Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psd1' raised an exception:
The WS-Management service cannot process the request because the XML is invalid.
at Wait-VMPSConnection, C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psm1: line 1683
at Add-GuestVMs, C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psm1: line 265
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 18
2016-11-08 20:45:15 Verbose  Step: Status of step '(NET) Deploy BGP VM' is 'Error'.
2016-11-08 20:45:15 Error    Action: Invocation of step 0.20 failed. Stopping invocation of action plan.
2016-11-08 20:45:15 Verbose  Action: Status of 'Deployment-Phase0-DeployBareMetalAndBGPAndNAT' is 'Error'.

The MAS-BGPNAT01 VM was accessible and i didn’t notice any errors in relation to the error above in the eventlogs. After a reboot of the MAS-BGPNAT01 VM I started the deployment from step 1, without the -start parameter:

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Azure Stack TP2 Deployment Issue with Timezone

Oke, let me first start of a special thanks to my colleague’s Hans Vredevoort, Darryl van der Pijl and Mark Scholman for leading me to the solution!

Since the release of Azure Stack TP2 i did not found the time to start a deployment and play around with Azure Stack TP2. Tp1 was unstable and had a lot of strange issue’s were TP2 was much more stable I was told.. But for the past view weeks I have ben struggling with the deployment!

I’ve deployed it over and over and it keept failing on error in step 60.140.145 were the VM’s were registered at the Compute Controller.

2016-10-24 04:38:18 Error 1> 2> Task: Invocation of interface 'Migrate' of role 'Cloud\Fabric\VirtualMachines' failed: 
Function 'Add-CpiObjects' in module 'Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psd1' raised an exception:
Failed to register virtual machine 'MAS-NC01' with compute controller. Operation failed with: 
Exception calling "GetResult" with "0" argument(s): "MakeReservation VM:36fae812-1703-4198-b0ae-39075e77e2ef Cluster:S-Cluster"
At C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psm1:2118.
+ $eceVm.Name
at Trace-Error, C:\CloudDeployment\Common\Tracer.psm1: line 52
at Add-CpiObjects, C:\CloudDeployment\Roles\VirtualMachine\VirtualMachine.psm1: line 2118
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 18

Since I was on a VLAN tagged network and had no DHCP I was suspecting that one of these parameters –PublicVLan -NatIPv4Subnet -NatIPv4Address -NatIPv4DefaultGateway were giving me a hard time deploying TP2. But after adding a DHCP and change my VLAN to native/untagged so I wouldn’t need the parameters I still ended up at the same error!

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