HP Lefthand
Back several years ago (about 6 or 7 if i remember correctly) when Storage Spaces and Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) did not exist yet, there was a another vendor called “Lefthand” which did kind of the same trick. Lefthand was bought by HP and the product was renamed to P4000 and later on HP StorVirtual 4000. The principal of this type of storage is different to other vendors. These storage nodes use local raid level on several disks in a system and additional nodes with the exact same hardware are pooled into a cluster. On top of the cluster volumes with network raid level’s are created. So disks in a system (1 disk in case of a single local RAID 5 pool of disks) could die without losing the node. In this setup you have several layers of redundancy on a storage node, but also on the entire cluster.
You could start with 2 systems and create a mirrored volume. The raw capacity of 1 node minus the raid level was the total usable capacity. So take a two node setup with 12x 1TB disks you have give or take 21TB of usable capacity (12 disks in a RAID 5 = 12TB minus 1TB and minus some lost bits and bytes so give or take 10,5TB usable). In a two node setup you will have 10,5 TB of usable space with mirrored volumes because the data is mirrored across both nodes. Mirroring data like that brings you high availability on storage on a node level. So you could loss a storage node without the volume going offline but it will cost you half of the raw storage capacity. If you add an extra node to make a total of 3 nodes, you would have 10,5 * 3 = 31,5TB of raw capacity. Taking the mirroring in consideration you will have about 15,7TB of usable capacity. And this keeps going in a 10 node setup you have 105TB of raw capacity and about 50+TB of usable capacity. So all the time you will loss halve of the capacity in a Network Mirror volume. If you chose for 3-Way or even a 4-Way mirror (don’t know why but it is possible) you have massive redundancy and performance but a terrible efficiency because in a 4-Way mirror on 4 nodes you only have 25% of the RAW capacity available for data.
Mirror vs MRV Volumes.
With Storage Spaces the resiliency level is set on Volume level. That means that you can create Mirrored and Parity volumes and also a new flavor named Mixed Resiliency Volumes with both Parity and Mirrored space. With traditional hardware RAID, mirrored disks are always faster as Parity disks because of the parity process. The same applies for S2D. With Mirrored volumes all data is mirrored across an x amount of nodes and disks in the cluster. By default Storage Space Direct uses a 3-way mirror layout. All blocks written to disk are copied to 2 other nodes (in case of a 3 node or higher cluster). Because of this you default lose 2/3 of your raw capacity.
Microsoft S2D Program Manager Cosmos Darwin created a nice website to make some calculations on how much usable space you get with different combinations of disks, capacity and resiliency settings, check it out on http://aka.ms/s2dcalc
When you create a 1 TB 3-way mirrored volume that volume has a 3 TB footprint. That’s a simple calculation because 1 TB of data is copied 2 additional times in a 3 way-Mirror which makes 3 TB. When you create an MRV of 1 TB with for example 30% Mirrored capacity and 70% Parity capacity we have to do a bit more math. So 300 GB * 3 is 900 GB. Then we have 700 GB parity space that will require double the space for that a total of 1400 GB. The total footprint of a 1 TB MRV Disk is 900 GB + 1400 GB = 2300 GB. So with an MRV disk you save 700 GB of space on a 1 TB volume.
Because of the massive loss of capacity with 3-way mirror people (most of them are the people who are responsible for the budget) are forcing or highly recommending to use or consider Parity or a form of Mixed reciliency to get more GBs/TB’s out of there hardware.. But at what cost?
Test Hardware
During a recent project we got to the point where we needed to setup volumes but i wanted to test this to be sure the customer could make a good decision based on capacity, performance and costs instead of just capacity and costs. Below is the hardware i used to test it:
- All nodes have 256GB of memory
- 2 processors with 8 core’s each (I know 8 might be a bit low but since datacenter licensing is changed lower cores can be cheaper in some cases)
- Then for the disks drive we had 3x 960GB mixed I/O SSD and 6x 4TB of HDD’s (unfortunately no NVME drives)
- 2x 10Gbit Mellanox network cards HP 546FLR-SFP+ with RDMA. (Beware RDMA is very important with S2D.) Drivers version: 5.25.12665.0 and Firmware version: 2.40.5016.
VMFleet as workload
To simulate workload I used VMFleet. VMFleet is a powershell tool based on DiskSPD and a set of powershell scripts. You can get a copy of VMFleet here and how to setup here.
For my test i setup 4 VMs per CSV and every node has it’s “own” CSV. A total of 28 VMs are created. All the tests are runned with 40 Outstanding I/O, 2 Threads and running for 300 seconds.
Test Mirrored Volumes
Then I kicked off all six tests on the 7 mirrored volumes with the parameters and results bellow.
Test Name | Access | Blocks | IOPS | MB/sec |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 100% Read | 4K | 1.043.406 | 4273 |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 70% Read | 4K | 576.155 | 2356 |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 0% Read | 4K | 254.686 | 1043 |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 100% Read | 64K | 150.637 | 9854 |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 70% Read | 64K | 52.470 | 3364 |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 0% Read | 64K | 18.515 | 1209 |
Test MRV Volumes
All VMs were deleted and all volumes were deleted and I setup 7 new volumes, but this time with a mixed resiliency setup of 30% mirrored data and 70% parity data. The same tests were runned as you can see below but with completely different results.
Test Name | Access | Blocks | IOPS | MB/sec |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 100% Read | 4K | 940.226 | 3849 |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 70% Read | 4K | 159.698 | 653 |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 0% Read | 4K | 52.283 | 212 |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 100% Read | 64K | 128.067 | 8391 |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 70% Read | 64K | 19.278 | 1190 |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 0% Read | 64K | 6.914 | 394 |
When we put it in numbers with precentages:
IOPS | Mirror | MRV | mirror in % faster then MRV | |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 4K | 1.043.406 | 940.226 | 10.97% |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 4K | 576.155 | 159.698 | 260.78% |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 4K | 254.686 | 52.283 | 387.13% |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 64K | 150.637 | 128.067 | 17.62% |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 64K | 52.470 | 19.278 | 172.18% |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 64K | 18.515 | 6.914 | 167.79% |
MBs | Mirror | MRV | mirror in % faster then MRV | |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 4K | 4273 | 3849 | 11.02% |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 4K | 2356 | 653 | 260.80% |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 4K | 1043 | 212 | 391.98% |
100%-Read and 0 % Write | 64K | 9854 | 8391 | 17.44% |
70%-Read and 30% Write | 64K | 3364 | 1190 | 182.69% |
0%-Read and 100% Write | 64K | 1209 | 394 | 206.85% |
So considering these value’s and results. Maybe it’s better to add a couple of ‘cheap’ SATA HDD’s to the setup to have a good level of resiliency, performance and capacity in your cluster before you start using Parity or Mixed Resiliency volumes on your cluster for the cheap win, but with the price of a huge dip in performance… Or make a couple of Parity or MRV’s for some static low I/O / Bandwidth VMs. Your gain in capacity is little but you also lose as little performance as possible. And if you really want more performance go all SSD or all NVMe. But that is way more expensive 🙂 and this Mirrored vs. MRV volume performance penalty still applies.
So, were at the end of this blog, a big thank you to my colleague Darryl for his time on all our discussions during our projects with Storage Space Direct and reviewing this blog.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to make your comments or contact me on twitter
One needs to measure cache hits/misses and publish those to help folks understand just how much hot data is spilling out of the cache in the MRV/MAP setup especially.
Cache sizing could make a big difference on those numbers depending on the cache hit count.
Hi Philip,
Good comment! Yes, you are right, it could be a good option when you have a small set of hot data. Much is learned since I wrote this blog. I need to update my blog it’s been static to long 🙂